January 12, 2024: Taking Care of Your Sterling Silver Jewelry
“If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves. You can gain more control over your life by paying closer attention to the little things.” ~ Emily Dickinson, 1830 – 1886 As jewelry designers, we’re often asked by our customers
January 5, 2025: A New Year, New Beginnings, New Dreams
The begining of a new year offers the opporunity to reflect on the blessings, challenges, rewards, surprises and successes of the past twelve months. It's a fresh chance to both ask ourselves and evaluate "what went well, what
November 3, 2024: It’s Never Too Late to Follow A Dream
Upon returning to our home in New Hampshire this past week, I headed back to our local health club, where I swim three days a week. This time of year, the water at our camp in Maine is frigid, so
September 15, 2024: Choosing Tolerance In Times of Turmoil
Britannica Dictionary definition of TOLERANCE. 1. : willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own. In 1799, Patrick Henry in his last public speech, uttered the famous words, "United We Stand, Divided We Fall", a phrase originated
July 14, 2024: The Serendipity of Nature
noun: serendipity; plural noun: serendipities: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way."a fortunate stroke of serendipity" Each year, we pack up our two studios and move to our camp and studio, from mid-June through October, which is
June 23, 2024: A Gift of Quietude
Quietude: qui·e·tude: a state of stilnness, calmness and quiet in a person or place. Like most of us in this modern world, my life is full of activity, expectations and responsibilities. In addition, although technology has opened doors to constant
April 14, 2024: Romancing The Stones In Real Life
"The rock collection was a story of the wideness of creation, of the marvels that were there for those willing to wonder, to re-immerse themselves in childish awe." Angela Abraham Informal Definition of Rockhound: Noun: rockhound; Plural noun: rockhounds
February 11, 2024: Love Makes A Difference
With a daily onslaught of despairing news from around the world, it can be a challenge to remain hopeful and positive about the fate of humanity. Yet, I read something this week that has resonated in my heart and
January 28, 2024: Kindness Matters…We have a Choice
Lately, it seems as if the practice of kindness has faded away. From social media, all the way to the political arena, acts of compassion and kindness seem to be hidden behind a public maelstrom of negativity, ridicule and sarcasm,
December 31, 2023: The Grace of Gratitude
The ending of a year and beginning of a new one is a time for reflection and setting intentions. Reflecting on the past, helps us to acknowledge what went well in our life and helps to plan new