April 5, 2020: Color Our World
“Sometimes when you’re overwhelmed by a situation—when you’re in the darkest of darkness—that’s when your priorities are reordered.”
~ Phoebe Snow
We are now entering our second month of Coronavirus in the US, Week Three of our “shelter at home” here in New Hampshire. The pandemic presence has affected and altered life around the world. While anxiety and fear are understandable reactions to a disaster like this, we can also find ways to keep our thoughts positive and our hope for a resolution alive.
Our daily routines have changed and while I acknowledge the challenges, I am also surprised at some of the positives which have taken place. Normally I pack as much as I can on my daily schedule, hitting the floor early to head out to the gym for a swim or workout. On the way home, I would pick up a jumbo cup of coffee and face the day both caffeinated and running.
Now I begin the day quietly with an online meditation series by Oprah and Deepak Chopra. https://chopracentermeditation.com/experience With an overactive brain, I never thought I was one for meditation, but find it settles my thoughts and worries and also helps to set intentions for the day. After the meditation and some stretches, I make a cup of my favorite tea, sit quietly watching the birds on our deck, and spend time looking for inspirational quotes on hope, positivity, and other uplifting topics. These quotes transcend time from ancient Rome to modern day. poignantly illustrating the resilience of the human spirit.
Once I find one that strikes a chord, I sort through my nature photographs for one to pair with it. The simple acts of reading inspirational writing, then looking at nature’s beauty brings a sense of joy and renews hope for the day.
Each day for the last two weeks, I’ve been combining the quotes and pictures to create posts of positivity which I’ve shared on social media. I can’t change what’s happening with the pandemic, but I can choose to focus on the uplifting and beautiful.
Weather permitting, I head out to look for signs of Spring. knowing that Winter, like other hardships, has passed and the new chapter of Spring is emerging. It might be buds on the maple tree, the return of songbirds, or the first tiny wildflower, but each one offers reassurance that life goes on.
“Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.”
~ Helen Keller
During these quiet days, despite any worries of the world, I am finding myself more at peace. Without a myriad of distractions to lure us away from the home and studio, both Ron and I are tapping into renewed creative energy. Long overdue household projects are being addressed and our home has never been this organized. While we are missing our family and friends, we are content in knowing they are healthy and safe.
“You make choices every day and almost every hour that keep you walking in the light or moving away toward darkness.”
~ Henry B. Eyring
Once this pandemic has ended, our lives will eventually return to normal. But I am wondering which aspects of our previous busy lives do we really want to bring back? And what positive changes will we keep?
Have you discovered any unexpected gifts or understandings during this time of turmoil? We’d love to hear them.
LizApril 5, 2020
Noticed about a week ago that my chives are up. This hardy herb is one of the first in my garden to embrace a new growing season – just as it did last year and the year before that, etc,. Can’t help but be humbled by the resilience of this plant. There is comfort in this simple expression of a new beginning.
WendyApril 5, 2020
Thank you Liz for reading and responding to our blog. Every little glimpse of nature, bringing us back to Spring and new beginnings, reminds us that this time of our life, a winter of unfathomed and heartbreaking events, will pass. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wisely said,
“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” With patience, and taking care to stay healthy, this challenging time shall pass too.