April 7, 2019: Travelers on a Journey
“Everyone you meet is a part of your journey, but not all of them are meant to stay in your life. Some people are just passing through to bring you gifts; either they’re blessings or lessons.”
― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Last night, we had a surprise birthday party for our eldest daughter Kate who was celebrating a milestone birthday. In the weeks before the event, we thought carefully about who to invite. Who were the people in her life, past and present, who had touched her life in significant ways?
What resulted was a gathering of family and friends, who have been part of her journey since before she was born.

We had gathered pictures as a visual storyboard of her life. Some friends had moved away, out of the circle of her daily life, but the bonds of caring were still strong. Some of her beloved grandparents were no longer here or could attend, but the love in the photographs transcended time.
The evening was rich with laughter and shared stories, and yielded a resurgence of realization of how important these bonds are in the shaping of our lives.. At one point, we realized that the date of this party, was the same as the surprise baby shower, I was given by a close, attending friend, Karin, 40 years before. On that night, I didn’t know that I was having a girl, technology wasn’t yet that advanced. She wasn’t due for 6 more weeks. But within two days of the party, Kate unexpectedly arrived in the middle of a blizzard and a full moon that brought 10 inches of snow. Karin shared the story that while I was in the hospital, she helped my mother set up the nursery. She told us how as my mom unpacked each gift, she delightedly danced the little outfits around the new nursery. This memory brought to light how much my mother loved being a grandmother and the special bond Kate, as the first grandchild, and she shared.
The pictures spoke volumes about the people who have impacted her life. One picture showed Kate at five sitting on a step with her childhood friend. Now thirty-five years later, her five-year old daughter was now giggling in the company of Kate’s two girls. When I looked at this new generation of friendship, my heart filled with the realization of how what blessings these gifts of love are in our life. It is difficult to comprehend how fast this time has flown by from a tiny 5 1/2 pound baby, to the incredible woman she has now become; a creative, talented artist, loving mom, gifted teacher and trusted friend.

Our own personal journeys lead us on different paths, with twists and turns we don’t always expect. These relationships travel with us, the amount of times can vary, but they impact us in so many ways. The true gifts are the ones who accept and love us for who we are and with whose guidance help us to become who we are destined to be. When I looked around at the gathering of “travelers”, and listened to their stories, I was filled with a grateful heart for their presence in Kate’s life and ours.
RitaApril 7, 2019
Looking forward to hearing in person about this very special event!
WendyApril 8, 2019
I’m hoping we can head north soon to open up our Maine studio and sanctuary! We’ll let you know when we’re headed your way to plan a long overdue visit. Thanks so much for reading our blog and commenting Rita!!!
MarciaApril 7, 2019
I love the part about your Mom and Karin setting up the nursery with your newly acquired gifts of love. I can see her dancing around with each tiny little thing. And a very special bond between a Grandmotger and the first granddaughter… ❤️
WendyApril 7, 2019
Thank you Marcia for reading the blog and sharing your thoughts. As grandmothers ourselves, we realize how precious time is and how swiftly it passes. We also recognize how the love that flows through our family and friendships is such a blessing in our lives, for which we are eternally grateful.