June 23, 2024: A Gift of Quietude
Quietude: qui·e·tude: a state of stilnness, calmness and quiet in a person or place.
Like most of us in this modern world, my life is full of activity, expectations and responsibilities. In addition, although technology has opened doors to constant contact with family, friends and world events, the downside is that we are bombarded on a daily basis with a a cacophony of “noise” from the media. It can be a challenge to take time off from our busy lives and create moments of quietude. Yet how else are going to connect with our own inner selves and actually hear the guidance and inspiration that resides within us?
While the thought of withdrawing from all the demands of our day, by taking quiet time for ourselves, can seem selfish, it is beneficial to our emotional, physical and spiritual health. By finding places and time for silence, we have the opportunity to clear any confusion amongst all the “noise” and gain a deeper sense of peace and understanding from within ourselves. By restoring our sense of balance, equanimity and peace, we will have more energy to give to the world.
Solitude is very different from a ‘time-out’ from our busy lives. Solitude is the very ground from which community grows. Whenever we pray alone, study, read, write, or simply spend quiet time away from the places where we interact with each other directly, we are potentially opened for a deeper intimacy with each other.
Henri Nouwen
Meditating, reading, swimming and spending time in nature are all ways that I’ve tried to balance the clamor of the outside world with a sense serenity. The biggest gift I have received in terms of quiet time has taken place in the small, coastal town of Stonington, Maine. For three years now, I’ve spent a week engaged in a course painting watercolors outdoors with a wonderful, inspring teacher, Marjorie Glick. While during the day, we were fully engrossed with the art of painting and the beautiful scenery, there are multiple opportunities to be alone. I had a small efficiency apartment and awakened each morning early to head out along the coastline to a serene pond. Camera in hand, I delighted in discovering the variety of birdsong, wildflowers and sights along the way.

Upon return, I would sit quietly on my small deck with a cup of tea and listen to the sounds of the harbor as the lobster boats headed out to sea. I deliberately chose not to check and be distracted by the news or social media, I just was filled with gratitude for this peaceful time. After class and in the evenings, I once again retreated, choosing not to watch tv, but to embrace the silence. I have discovered this getaway that I save up for each year, has left me re-nergized, re-inspired and at peace with myself and more able to meet all the demands of a busy life.
However you find ways for the gift of quietude, here are some quotes to inspire you.
Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my thoughts. Please feel free to share it with others and we welcome additional quotes that inspire you.
Best regards,
Wendy Oellers-Fulmer
After class each day, I once again returned
Inspirational Quotes
“Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear my own.”
Oprah Winfry
“Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being yourself.”
“The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”
Albert Einstein
“Time and silence are the most luxurious things today.”
Tom Ford
“Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.”
Francis Bacon
“It is indeed a radical act of love just. “It is indeed a radical act of love just to sit down and be quiet for a time by yourself”
Jon Kabat-Zinn
We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly – spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.
Susan L. Taylor
“Ask the world to reveal its quietude- not the silence of machines when they are still, but the true quiet by which birdsongs, trees, bellworts, snails, clouds, storms become what they are, and are nothing else.”
Wendell Berry
“In the silence, we can hear the whispers of our soul.”
Deepak Chopra

Mj FinkenJune 23, 2024
I take time most evenings just to sit and listen to the birds and to view all the flowers in my yard. Phone only for bird ID.
WendyJune 23, 2024
Taking time to be in nature, away from all other distractions, is such a wonderful gift. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.
GerriJune 23, 2024
This is lovely Wendy. I understand now that it’s not just about the art inspiration with a great teacher, but also a spiritual retreat to feed your soul.
WendyJune 23, 2024
Thank you Gerri for taking the time to read and respond to my thoughts…..the time away, in such a beautiful setting and being immersed in art and nature truly is a gift to my soul.