
Dreamscape Jewelry Design

March 20, 2022: Hello Spring!

With snow still on the ground here in New Hampshire, it might seem that Spring is still in hibernation. But the signs of its impending arrival are emerging daily. The hours of daylight and temperatures are gradually increasing, inviting us to head outdoors and celebrate the budding beauty found in the natural world. Early mornings have seen a renewal of the dawn chorus, where birds sing their songs to find their future partners. Spring, in essence, is a time of hope and renewal. No matter how dark and cold the winter has been, we can always take comfort in knowing that the season of Spring will follow.

Spring, for us, also means the renewal of our show season. Whether it’s the excitement of upcoming shows https://dreamscapejewelry.com/about/show-schedule or the energy from the rebirth of nature that surrounds us, our creativity, like the sap in maple trees, is flowing. New ideas, like the signs of Spring, are emerging daily. Our hearts are drawn to brighter colors, earth’s gemstones and designs that are inspired by nature.

Throughout written history, artists, poets, philosophers and writers have been inspired by Spring. To celebrate the first day of Spring, we’re sharing some quotes that inspire us about the season. We invite you to share your own favorite quotes in the comments below. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy day to read our thoughts.

Stay healthy & safe!

Best, Wendy Oellers-Fulmer

“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is.”

– Jessica Harrelson

The earth laughs in flowers.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Now every field is clothed with grass, and every tree with leaves; now the woods put forth their blossoms, and the year assumes its gay attire.”

– Virgil

“That is one good thing about this world… there are always sure to be more springs.”

– L. M. Montgomery

It’s spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you’ve got it, you want—oh, you don’t quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!

– Mark Twain

If you’ve never been thrilled to the very edges of your soul by a flower in spring bloom, maybe your soul has never been in bloom.

“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.”

– Theodore Roethke

“The beautiful spring came, and when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.”

– Harriet Ann Jacobs

Come with me into the woods. Where spring is advancing, as it does, no matter what, not being singular or particular, but one of the forever gifts, and certainly visible.

– Mary Oliver

For more inspirational quotes presented in our own photographs of nature: https://dreamscapejewelry.com/inspirations-of-hope-cards/. and/or https://dreamscapejewelry.com/butterflies-and-blossoms-cards/

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