June 13, 2021: Stories In The Stones-June Birthstones
The history of birthstones can be traced back to biblical times and the book of Exodus, where Aaron, the first high priest of the Israelites, wore a breastplate embellished with with 12 different stones, representing one of the 12 tribes
April 18, 2021: Stories In The Stones: Aladdin, Natural Wonders & Science
Gems, in fact, are a species of mineral flowers; they are the blossoms of the dark, hard mine; and what they want in perfume, they make up in durability.Harriet Beecher Stowe We recently watched the newest movie version of Aladdin. In
February 3, 2019: Stories In The Stones: Birthstones
All the luminous the coloured spectacles which the world in the immensity of space can offer us, nature has produced in miniature amongst precious stones. ~Charles Blanc Gemstones shimmer, sparkle and add beauty and elegance to our lives. They are precious,