The Paths We Choose
A artist or creative person of any kind goes about their work because it’s their path, it’s what excites them, it’s what aligns their soul with who they truly are, who they showed up to be. Wayne Dyer
Remember Him: Tribute to NH’s Iconic Old Man of the Mountain
This week, I watched in awe how my husband Ron Fulmer designed five new, unique pendants for our Silverstone Collection. His growth as an artist and Silversmith has taken on whole new dimensions, causing me to reflect on his own personal path as an artist. When we met in 1997, Ron was involved with restoring vintage cars and had recently purchased a dental handpiece (drills) tool repair business. The work on cars involved skills related to both the aesthetics and mechanical. Watching him patiently steam and shape the wood for a 1938 Woody Station wagon, showed me glimmers of the artist he would become. Working with the dental tools required a discerning eye and the ability to work with minuscule metal pieces. Both jobs required a meticulous attention to detail and a steady hand.
Ron had been a biology major in college, but upon graduation worked with antique and vintage boats where he honed his mechanical and technology skills. His love of nature led to the choice of staying in New Hampshire and countless hours spent hiking, biking and mountain climbing. Along the way, he collected rocks, fascinated by the different colors and textures to be found. He began experimenting with both cutting and both “found” and purchased stones.
When I began designing jewelry 10 years ago, Ron was a invaluable supporter, who gave me a hand when I needed it. (He still is a much better wire wrapper!) But his real growth as an artist began three years ago, after visiting with a close family friend, and Silversmith Bob Valpey. Ron was intrigued with the possibilities of what he could do and began to experiment and create pieces for what we now call our Silverstone Collection; for which he has designed and created over 80 pieces. Each pendant is one of a kind.
Ron has a creative and curious mind, always wondering what can he do next? He especially loves creating pieces that celebrate and reflect the beauty found in nature.The lessons and skills learned on his seemingly disparate paths of being a biology major, nature explorer, boat and car restorer, and dental tool repairer, have led him onto the one he is currently on and loving: that of a jewelry designer and Silversmith in Northern Maine and New Hampshire.
Harry B. Bridges, Jr.March 9, 2019
Ron and I lived in the same Sleepy Hollow complex of summer homes while studying ; he biology, me physics. I went on to work as an engineer and eventually a high school science teacher in Philadelphia, PA. My wife of 42 years and I moved here in 1997 to tend to our parents. In time, I restored the home which my Father had begun in 1946 after returning from fighting in Italy. I used my plastering skills to save and use at Belknap College . Ron always struck me as a contemplative man, a lover of his dog and strong yet gentle. Please e-mail me anytime, Ron. God Bless.Our youngest daughter Laura owns and operates Aetas Jewelry in California. You may wish to check out her web site aetasjewlery.com. She is an accomplished custom lost-wax silver and gold smith. Perhaps there can be some symmetry which may develop between you!
WendyMarch 10, 2019
Harry, It truly is a small world after all. A voice from the past yet current connections with your daughter as a jewelry artist. Ron is still a contemplative man, strong yet gentle, and loves our two dogs. I will share your email with him. Thank you so much for reaching out!