July 26, 2020: A Happy Place
I’m definitely not a morning lark. My brain and body need time after awakening to get into a fully functioning mode. I’ve learned over the years, to give myself permission to allow for the gentle start up of a day.
July 19, 2020: The HeArt of Discovery
To see a World in a Grain of Sand.And a Heaven in a Wild Flower.Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand.And Eternity in an hour.William Blake While the world news continues to spin tales of daily catastrophes, political shenanigans and
July 12, 2020: The Gift of Unexpected Encounters
Yesterday, here in northern Maine, it was a gray, cool day with intermittent showers that left the woods around us with a quiet shimmer. In between the bouts of rain, we headed out to see what was "blooming and
July 5, 2020: The Freedom of Choices
Celebrations for Fourth of July in 2020 were different reflecting the dramatic changes that have occurred worldwide. In the first half of 2020, we've witnessed the devastation of a world wide pandemic and its destructive impact on our