November 24, 2019-Thankful for A Village
“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.” —Gilbert K. Chesterton
This weekend our home was transformed into a venue for our 6th Annual Artisan’s Holiday Open House. The house was decorated from top to bottom, furniture was moved out, tents set up on the deck, and tables for 14 artists were arranged both inside and out. The caterer arrived bearing trays of delicious food, holiday music was drifting through the rooms, scented candles lit, customers were lined up at the door, and we were ready to go.
During the two days, hundreds of of people came through and were delighted with what they found. The sheer array of items was a testimony to the creativity and talents of the artists. It was a busy two days and at the finish, everyone agreed it was a total success.
This event began six years ago with just two artists laying out items in our living room. Since that time, it’s grown into an annual community event with customers asking as early as October, when the date will be. But the size and scope of it now could not have happened without the hard work and help from our friends.
It’s a lot more work than setting up our booth at craft show. The sheer effort of decorating the house , moving the furniture, setting up tents, etc. took four days. But the rewards are evident in being able to showcase the work of local artists in a setting where our customers feel relaxed and welcomed.
To accomplish something of this magnitude is the result of many hands making light work.
For many years in my life, I had a difficult time asking for help. When friends would offer assistance in a situation, I would respectfully decline, needing to prove I could do it all my myself. Fortunately, wisdom has prevailed and shown me over time, the realization that one cannot do it by oneself. It does take a village. And in this case, a sizable one!
We are incredibly grateful for the efforts and thoughtfulness of our friends to make this event possible. The gratitude list includes so many: the decorating talents of Gail and Mary, set up architects Jim and Molly, culinary talents of Linda, to the coffee and breakfast a treasured friend Liz brought on the morning of the event. Our team member Shelly with her amazing organizational skill in “herding cats” (aka A.DD. artists) kept things running smoothly. All of the artists pitched in before, during and after the event, from the setup of the tents to the breakdown at the end.
Their genuine willingness to help literally filled my heart with a sense of gratitude and joy.
We’re already looking forward to the Expressions of Spring Artisans’ Open House in the beginning of May. But for now, we’re breathing a sense of accomplishment, relief, and a deep sense of satisfaction of a dream come true.
A huge thank you to the following artists and friends: Molly Harper (Soul Pine Pottery), Linda Harper (food wizard), Gail Brunt (Gail Brunt Fine Art and holiday house transformer), Mary K. Giroux (Whirlwind house transformer), Jason Paltanavich and Amber (Paltanavich Metal Works), Pam Horvath (Damselfly Creations), Barbara and Jim Foote, Lynne Beebe Baron (Lynne Baron Fiber Arts), Laurie Kimball Johnson- (Linney Lane Botanicals), Clayton George (Clayton’s Creations), Sage Paterson (Origami artist) and her mom Kathryn Cranford, Heather West (graphic designer & Westwood Farm organic skin care products), Denise McKeen (Folk Artist) Suzanne Amidon (calmer of the smoke storm), Alex Denver (photographer), Liz Rosenfeld (incredible best friend and moral support provider) and Shelly Tibbetts (Dreamscape Team Member and expert herder of cats). We couldn’t have accomplished this without you!
RitaNovember 25, 2019
Congratulations on another successful Holiday Open House! After being there last year I can understand why it is so successful. You and Ron are so creative. If it keeps growing you’ll have to hire a hall.
You and Ron deserve some time off.
WendyNovember 25, 2019
Thank you Rita. It really has grown, but I love the “Open House” feeling and can’t see expanding any more. Part of the feedback we get is how our customers feel unpressured and relaxed in this setting. It is as I wrote, a huge amount of work to get it ready, but the results are worth it. We are so grateful for the “team of villagers” we have who help us from the very beginning to putting away the last table.
Thanks so much again for reading our blog and writing your thoughts. I treasure them.