September 24, 2022: Our Story; Following a Dream
“Dreams are illustrations… from the book your soul is writing about you.” — Marsha Norman It's hard to believe that only twelve years ago, the thoughts of having a business that allowed us to work independently, while pursuing a love
July 10, 2022: Nature, a Teacher of Patience and the Power of Perseverance
In today's fast-twitch world, it can seem as if our lives are on a converter belt with the speed set on high velocity. Instant gratification for information, social interactions or even a shopping binge, is achieved with a simple
June 5, 2022: Sweet Peace
This week brought a whole new onslaught of heartbreaking news from mass shootings to the war in Ukraine. Inspired by a heartfelt wish for peace in today's tumultuous world, Silversmith Ron created a one-of-a-kind, two-sided pendant this week, he
May 22, 2022: Spring Blossoms for Inspiration
"To one who loves birds, morning always wakes up singing. "Marty Rubin Each day during this blooming season, we venture outdoors to discover what changes have happened over night. After months of cold weather and a challenging winter, it's always inspirational
May 1, 2022: Planting Seeds of Joy
As Mother's Day approaches on May 8, I am reminded once again of the invaluable lessons I learned from my mom who passed away in 2005. I've always said, "that the best and most important parts of me come
April 10, 2022: Spring Cleaning & New Beginnings
Spring is perceived throughout cultures and history, as a time of hope, promise and new beginnings. Emerging from the dark, cold challenges of winter, life responds to the cleansing rains, increasing sunlight and warming weather with positive energy, uncovering opportunities
March 27, 2022: On the Road Again and Grateful for Unexpected Paths
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your
March 20, 2022: Hello Spring!
With snow still on the ground here in New Hampshire, it might seem that Spring is still in hibernation. But the signs of its impending arrival are emerging daily. The hours of daylight and temperatures are gradually increasing,
January 16, 2022: Welcome to a Winter Celebration
"How many lessons of faith and beauty we should lose, if there were no winter in our year!"Thomas Wentworth Higginson We woke up this morning to -6 degrees with 8 to 10 inches of snow predicted tomorrow. Winter can be
December 19, 2021: Christmas Quotes to Inspire Your Holiday Spirit
The Christmas holidays are finally upon us. Although holiday merchandise floods some stores as early as September, Thanksgiving seems to be the starting gate, with a flood of advertisements promoting it as the most wonderful time of the